About Us
Team Expressions believes that MUNs are the best way for you to raise your opinion without any kind of restrictions. After holding two successful conferences of EXPRESSIONS MUN in 2020 and 2021, 2023 with 1500+ delegates, well experienced executive board and a hard-working group of secretariat. Expressions MUN is back, offering you with a platform to put your views forward and debate on it. We welcome you all to join us in the conference!
The idea behind expression Mun is to uplift innovative ideas and opinions which otherwise go unheard in the society. The secretariat is dedicated to providing the best platform where delegates can draw revolutionary solutions to international and complex problems and have a deeper understanding of the issues around the world.
Our well experienced executive board will aim to encourage the delegates to voice their opinions and have an interactive session of debate and diplomacy. We hope you have a knowledgeable time at Expressions MUN!